It's some days that I don't write and many things happened. 200,000 thousand people demonstrated in Vicenza against the military base that US wants at Dal Molin airport. Not only anti war movements and groups against environmental degradation, but also deputies and senators in the parliament. Few days before, the government said "the decision is taken, US will build the base"

 Some of them in Vicenza said: "the battle is not ended, we will oppose". For example, Franca Rame, nobel Dario Fo's wife, said that she wouldn't vote for it. In Vicenza she was not the only to say that, but when they went back in Rome, as always happen, they forgot their promises…

Few days after, in the Senate…

Foreign minister Massimo D'Alema, which we can remember as the "Serbian Destroyer" for Italian's active partecipation in the war of 1999 when he was leader of the government, expressed his line and politics: yes to the base, yes to the troups in Afghanistan, loyalty to Nato. 

 Two  senators, Franco Turigliatto and Fernando Rossi, decided not to vote for D'Alema report. The government went down because the relation was not approve. Some senators int the majority coalition in fact voted against the minister: Cossiga and Andreotti are the most prominents.

So Prodi resigned and everybody wanted to "exiliate" Turigliatto and Rossi. After the 200,000 in Vicenza, they were the only two men to do in the Senate what they promised to the Vicenza people. Is that really a crime?

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